SC 3.8/10 

Year: 1950
Country: Sweden
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, medical check
Description: A film about Hälsingborg's cultural and social institutions as well as industrial companies and everyday life.
Video Added: 28.06.2024


Előzzük meg a gyermekek hátgerincferdülését
SC 8.5/10 

Year: 1956
Country: Soviet Union
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, medical check
Description: Black and White Soviet Educational Film (1956).
Spinal curvature is a serious disease that must be cured. How can it be cured and how can it be prevented? We get an answer to this in the film. It was made at the Popular Science Film Studio in Leningrad.
Video Added: 05.04.2024

'Előzzük meg a gyermekek hátgerincferdülését'

Högalid – en film om en Söderförsamling
SC 2.8/10 

Year: 1950
Country: Sweden
Section: documentary
Tags: girl, swimming
Description: Högalid's parish and its church life in Söder in Stockholm. Mass, confirmands, crèche, summer camp, study circles and parish life.
Video Added: 02.02.2024

'Högalid – en film om en Söderförsamling'

SC 9.9/10 

Year: 1959
Country: Sweden
Section: documentary
Tags: girl, swimming
Description: One of the air force's radar stations in operation. Stockholm's taxi is 60 years. Spanish masters at the National Museum. Skansen's Christmas market. Big Liar's Day. Storm-ravaged Öland. 'Sleeping Beauty' premieres in China.
Video Added: 22.12.2023


Ungdom på vår väg – Ett reportage från Ungdomens Röda Kors
SC 0.6/10 

Year: 1953
Country: Sweden
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, summer camp, swimming
Description: A day at the Red Cross summer camp on Flämslätt.
Video Added: 15.12.2023

'Ungdom på vår väg – Ett reportage från Ungdomens Röda Kors'

Frk. Wagners instruktionsfilm
Year: 1953
Country: Denmark
Section: chronicle
Tags: girl, medical check
Description: The film shows part of the physical treatment of polio: Warm packs, so-called Kennedy packs, are given to relieve the pain and prevent contractures. Concentrated compresses and manipulation of the thorax (chest) are given to make it smoother and thereby facilitate respiration. The packs are changed until the skin is red. Manipulation is given of the entire thorax. A very important step in the treatment of contracture strencks. When the contracture first occurs, the muscles' working capacity is significantly reduced. Therefore, the stretches are started as early as possible, but only until the pain limit and everything after prior warming up. In order that stretching and fixing can take place as correctly as possible, there should be two physiotherapists about the patient. One to fix the patient and one to pull. Stimulation of muscles is performed by the physiotherapist as a light vibration of the muscle group in one direction of movement. Another important part of the treatment is balance exercises. In order to achieve as correct a gait as possible, all patients, regardless of the degree of paralysis, should do balance exercises, i.e. put the weight equally on both legs, keep the pelvis in place and have a good posture. These exercises are also done with two physiotherapists.
Video Added: 08.12.2023

'Frk. Wagners instruktionsfilm'

Eventyret om julemærket
SC 9.0/10 

Year: 1956
Country: Denmark
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, boy, girl, medical check, summer camp, swimming
Description: Since 1904, a special Christmas stamp has been published every year, which you can affix to your postal items in connection with the Christmas post. The sale of Christmas tags is the basis for the establishment and operation of the Christmas tag homes around Denmark. The purpose of the homes is to house and help vulnerable and particularly needy children. The film shows various recordings from the daily life of seven homes, including Hobro, Juelsminde (closed in 1956), Fjordmark at Flensborg Fjord, Holbølls Minde in Svendborg, Lindersvold, Mørkøv and Kildemose at Frederiksværk. Children's Day consists of, among other things, of teaching, doctor's visits, playing and having fun in the garden with pets, communal dining, light field and garden work, walks and beach trips. At Christmas time, the children frolic in the snow, and on Christmas Eve they dance around the Christmas tree and receive presents from Santa Claus.
Video Added: 07.11.2023

'Eventyret om julemærket'

Livet på julemærkehjemmene
SC 3.9/10 

Year: 1958
Country: Denmark
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, summer camp
Description: Peter is a lonely boy who does not thrive in his everyday life. His mother applies to the Christmas Label Committee for a stay. The story of the Christmas tree homes is told; the creation of the first Christmas stamp home in 1903, sale of the Christmas stamp that runs the 6 Christmas stamp homes around the country, and how everyday life goes for the many children.
Video Added: 31.10.2023

'Livet på julemærkehjemmene'

Fra Dansk Røde Kors' folkekuranstalt ved Hald
Year: 1950
Country: Denmark
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, medical check
Description: A day at the children's ward. Treatment of polio in stage 2. The children's muscles are weakened after the paralysis. The task of the post-treatment is to train the muscles up to normal strength again. The treatment consists of a number of exercises, including in the pool and tub, lying movement exercises on a bench or in the hospital bed and strength training with machines. Some get electrodes on their body to stimulate the muscles. When the children are not in treatment, there is time for activities such as braiding, weaving, teaching, knitting, doll play, etc. Year unknown.
Video Added: 17.10.2023

'Fra Dansk Røde Kors' folkekuranstalt ved Hald'

Deti Stalingrada
Year: 1950
Country: Soviet Union
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, summer camp, sunbathing, swimming
Description: About orphans of Stalingrad.
Video Added: 29.09.2023

'Deti Stalingrada'

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