Wczasy w mieście
Date: 01.08.1951
Country: Poland
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, summer camp, swimming
Description: Young people walking to the building in the background.
Young people playing chess on the terrace of the building.
Children having a meal. Youth on deckchairs. Children running up the stairs. The instructor teaches children to swim. Young people learning sailing signals. Learning to swim. Youth in a rowing village. Youth in a canoe on the Vistula. A sailboat sailing on the Vistula.
Video Added: 18.08.2023

'Wczasy w mieście'

Valitse sinäkin
SC 2.5/10 

Year: 1955
Country: Finland
Section: art
Tags: boy, girl, summer camp
Description: The educational film about children's organized hobby activities.
Video Added: 21.07.2023

'Valitse sinäkin'

Dagligliv på julemærkehjemmene
SC 9.1/10 

Year: 1952
Country: Denmark
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, medical check, summer camp, swimming
Description: Film about the six Christmas mark homes in Denmark, where over 1,000 vulnerable and especially needy children are helped each year. The film opens with b/w footage of poor children in Copenhagen backyards. Then a series of everyday pictures in color from the homes Lindersvold near Præstø, Hobro, Fjordmark near Kollund, Mørkøv, Kildemose near Ølsted and Holbølls Minde near Svendborg are shown. Also b/w footage from King Frederik IX and Queen Ingrid's visit to Hobro in 1949. The year of the film is uncertain. Many of the recordings can also be seen in 'Julemærkefilmen 1952'.
Video Added: 18.07.2023

'Dagligliv på julemærkehjemmene'

Ad lange veje
SC 5.2/10 

Year: 1952
Country: Denmark
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, boy, girl, medical check
Description: Informational film about polio, which was made in collaboration with the National Association for the Polio Association to show the association's work. The film explains how far they have come in the treatment of polio patients, i.a. by demonstrating different forms of treatment and their effectiveness. You follow two severely affected adults from their first time in hospital to the National Association's clinic on Tuborgvej, where they, together with other polio patients, adults and children, are trained to fend for themselves.
Video Added: 02.05.2023

'Ad lange veje'

Shkolnye gody
SC 8.7/10 

Year: 1956
Country: Soviet Union
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, summer camp, sunbathing, swimming
Description: A film story about students in grades 1-10 in different parts of the country.
Video Added: 24.02.2023

'Shkolnye gody'

Kun en 2-øre
SC 1.3/10 

Year: 1954
Country: Denmark
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, medical check
Description: What can you get for a 2-øre? The film answers the question by showing some beautiful pictures from the Christmas brand homes, which are built and maintained by the sale of the Christmas marks sold for 2 øre pieces. 7 Christmas brand homes and 1800 small reconvalescents annually are numbers that tell you what a 2-øre that has been given right is worth.
Video Added: 20.01.2023

'Kun en 2-øre'

Kaapeli - sähkötekniikan elämänlanka
SC 3.9/10 

Year: 1950
Country: Finland
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Description: Pictures from Kaapelitehta's holiday island: children's camp activities.
Video Added: 30.12.2022

'Kaapeli - sähkötekniikan elämänlanka'

Kan pastorn komma
SC 3.7/10 

Year: 1953
Country: Sweden
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, medical check
Description: Special report about a priest in a doctor's coat.
Video Added: 09.12.2022

'Kan pastorn komma'

Finlandia-katsaus 377
SC 7.3/10 

Date: 03.07.1958
Country: Finland
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, summer camp
Description: Children from the capital at a summer camp in Sammati.
Video Added: 22.11.2022

'Finlandia-katsaus 377'

Vann og kloakk
SC 3.0/10 

Year: 1953
Country: Norway
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, swimming
Description: The film deals with the importance of water for Oslo, both for business and private individuals. It shows where the water comes from and what happens to it, and presents both the city's water supply and sewage system.
Video Added: 18.10.2022

'Vann og kloakk'

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