Unseen Color Footage of Denmark, 1920

Year: 1920
Country: Denmark
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Description: "The beautiful Denmark, the country by the Sound and the Belt, - the smiling beaches, the bright forests, the lush farmland". A kaleidoscopic journey through Denmark. First, a tour of Copenhagen, including Tivoli Gardens, City Hall Square, the Marble Church, Amalienborg Palace, Dr. Louise's Bridge and the normal busy everyday life in the capital, as well as the nature in Dyrehaven just north of Copenhagen. From Zealand, you can see Stevns Klint with Gammel Højerup Church, the Goose Tower in Vordingborg, Fredensborg Castle, Nakkehoved Lighthouse in Gilleleje and Kronborg Castle. There is plenty of footage of beach life on the beaches of North Zealand and the rocky coast of Bornholm. On Funen you can see Christiansminde near Svendborg and the ferry to Tåsinge. From Jutland you can see The Silkeborg Lakes, Himmelbjerget, Aalborg, which is connected to Nørresundby by two bridges, Skagen with Holger Drachmann's grave, the west coast of Jutland (probably Thorup Strand and Bovbjerg), Esbjerg with its fishing port, Fanø, Ribe with its cathedral and old houses, Møgeltønder, Schackenborg Castle, Dybbøl and Sønderborg, Galgebakken and Brundlund Castle with the castle mill in Aabenraa, Gråsten Castle, Haderslev, Aarhus Cathedral, Koldinghus and the traffic hub Fredericia, which connects Funen and Jutland, and Vejle.
Video Added: 09.01.2024

'Unseen Color Footage of Denmark, 1920'

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