Mir kumen on
SC 6.8/10 

Year: 1938
Country: Poland
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, boy, girl
Description: One of the few surviving documentaries about Jewish life in Poland before World War II, this film was produced to raise funds for the Vladimir Medem Sanitarium which stood as the embodiment of health and enlightenment, in striking contrast to the grim images of urban Polish-Jewish poverty.
Video Added: 02.04.2024

'Mir kumen on'

SC 7.5/10 

Year: 1939
Country: Denmark
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, boy, girl, medical check
Description: Greenland's health service in 1939. 10 doctors attend to the country's 18,000 inhabitants, partly on trips by motorboats and sleds, partly in 14 hospitals spread over the country, assisted by 16 Danish and 100 Greenlandic nurses. All medical care, medicine and hospital stays are free. The annual expenses of the Greenlandic health service are approx. half a million kroner. At the hospital, the hospital corridors are cleaned. Breakfast is prepared by nursing students. Hallway A Danish doctor gives vaccinations while curious people look on. A doctor traveling by motorboat on the Umanakfjord. A nurse arrives at a settlement. The nurse performs a so-called 'lung breath' against tuberculosis on patients. 2-3 dentists are sent around the country every year to practice dentistry. Life at the children's sanatorium in Umanak. Children are bathed in quartz light.
Video Added: 26.12.2023


Vårt mål
SC 8.8/10 

Year: 1946
Country: Sweden
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, boy, girl, medical check, swimming
Description: A social democratic election film from 1946. images from Gothenburg and how the social democratic municipal action program and various election manifestos are presented in Gothenburg. Documentary images from the Second World War, the peace -45. Social democratic postwar program.
Video Added: 05.12.2023

'Vårt mål'

SC 6.5/10 

Year: 2018
Country: France
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, girl
Description: The documentary about photographer Alain Laboile, directed by his daughter Olyana.
Video Added: 17.11.2023


Eventyret om julemærket
SC 9.1/10 

Year: 1956
Country: Denmark
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, boy, girl, medical check, summer camp, swimming
Description: Since 1904, a special Christmas stamp has been published every year, which you can affix to your postal items in connection with the Christmas post. The sale of Christmas tags is the basis for the establishment and operation of the Christmas tag homes around Denmark. The purpose of the homes is to house and help vulnerable and particularly needy children. The film shows various recordings from the daily life of seven homes, including Hobro, Juelsminde (closed in 1956), Fjordmark at Flensborg Fjord, Holbølls Minde in Svendborg, Lindersvold, Mørkøv and Kildemose at Frederiksværk. Children's Day consists of, among other things, of teaching, doctor's visits, playing and having fun in the garden with pets, communal dining, light field and garden work, walks and beach trips. At Christmas time, the children frolic in the snow, and on Christmas Eve they dance around the Christmas tree and receive presents from Santa Claus.
Video Added: 07.11.2023

'Eventyret om julemærket'

När vi sitta i vår bänk...
SC 9.7/10 

Year: 1946
Country: Sweden
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, boy, girl, medical check, swimming
Description: A film about work in a modern school (Eriksdal School in Stockholm). From the enrollment of 7-year-olds to civics in class 8. The film opens with Sven Jerring sitting in the chair and asking questions to the students and telling about the creation of the public school. The film "Dedicated to Stockholm's public schools by the Sandrewateljés".
Video Added: 12.09.2023

'När vi sitta i vår bänk...'

Vzglyad. Besprizorniki 90-kh
SC 6.1/10 

Date: 17.01.1997
Country: Russia
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, boy, medical check
Description: Homeless children in Russia in 1990s.
Video Added: 22.08.2023

'Vzglyad. Besprizorniki 90-kh'

Filmen Om Borås
Year: 1934
Country: Sweden
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, boy, girl, summer camp, swimming
Description: Join us on a unique city tour. Sjuhäradsbygden's metropolis was then Sweden's 3rd largest city by surface area.
Video Added: 15.08.2023

'Filmen Om Borås'

Guldkorn Från 1942
Year: 1942
Country: Sweden
Section: chronicle
Tags: bathing, boy, girl
Description: An annual chronicle compiled from the SF archive / by Jan Bergman.
Video Added: 08.08.2023

'Guldkorn Från 1942'

Första klass E04
SC 8.5/10 

Year: 1978
Country: Norway
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, boy, girl
Description: Five programs about class 1C in Sätraskolan outside Stockholm. Episode 4.
Video Added: 14.07.2023

'Första klass E04'

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