Lemon Bath Kugawa
Date: 14.08.2019
Country: Japan
Section: reportage
Tags: bathing, boy
Description: Refreshing the heat of the summer with the "lemon bath" Kagawa with a refreshing scent and a hot bath.
Video Added: 06.06.2020

'Lemon Bath Kugawa'

Smoke sauna tradition in Voromaa
Date: 26.11.2014
Country: Finland
Section: reportage
Tags: bathing, boy, swimming
Description: The smoke sauna tradition is an important part of everyday life in the Võro community of Estonia. It comprises a set of traditions including the actual bathing customs, the skills of making bath whisks, building and repairing saunas, and smoking meat in the sauna. Practised usually on Saturdays but also before major festivals or family events, it is primarily a family custom whose main function is to relax the body and mind. Families take turns hosting each other.
Video Added: 30.05.2020

'Smoke sauna tradition in Voromaa'

In the cadet school
Date: 22.06.1949
Country: Poland
Section: chronicle
Tags: bathing, boy
Description: Wake up at the cadet school. Boys in the shower. Cadets in class. Classes in woodworking and metalworking. Outdoor gymnastics.
Video Added: 18.05.2020

'In the cadet school'

Swedish town in Otwock
Date: 19.02.1947
Country: Poland
Section: chronicle
Tags: bathing, boy, girl, medical check
Description: Sanatorium buildings. The mother says goodbye to her child, Iwona Siekierska, in the waiting room. The nurse bathes Iwona in the bathtub, puts her on the bed. A girl from the same room comes to Iwona and gives her a doll. Treatments, meals.
Video Added: 18.05.2020

'Swedish town in Otwock'

Children in polish sanatorium
Date: 14.05.1946
Country: Poland
Section: chronicle
Tags: bathing, boy, girl, medical check
Video Added: 18.05.2020

'Children in polish sanatorium'

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