Sir William Treloar Reel 2 (1907-1910)
Year: 1910
Country: United Kingdom
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, medical check, summer camp
Keywords: Pathe
Description: Sir William Purdie Treloar (Lord Mayor of London 1906) founded a hospital in the country for crippled children. The hospital was opened in 1907 in Alton, Hampshire.
Video Added: 01.10.2021

'Sir William Treloar Reel 2 (1907-1910)'

Sir William Treloar Reel 1 (1907-1910)
Year: 1910
Country: United Kingdom
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, sunbathing, swimming
Keywords: Pathe
Description: Sir William Purdie Treloar (Lord Mayor of London 1906) founded a hospital in the country for crippled children. The hospital was opened in 1907 in Alton, Hampshire.
Video Added: 24.09.2021

'Sir William Treloar Reel 1 (1907-1910)'

Italian Summer (1948)
Year: 1948
Country: United Kingdom
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Keywords: Pathe
Video Added: 13.08.2021

'Italian Summer (1948)'

Stannington Sanatorium Reel 2 (1920-1930)
Year: 1930
Country: United Kingdom
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, medical check
Keywords: Pathe
Description: A child is examined by a doctor and sees the results of her xray's. A young girl at home coughing. She puts her tissue on the fire. Cattle in pens and cows being milked by machine. CU milk bottles with labels reading 'Tuburculum Tested'. A nurse pours milk in the the children's mugs. CU a young girl drinking and smiling. The hospital kitchens: The bread slicer (3 loaves at a time). Preparing chicken, apples and milk dishes. Christmas puddings and a huge joint of meat put into a steam oven. CU large dishes of vegetables are stacked into industrial ovens. GV the dining room. Nurses serving, children eating. Pan along the building exteriors. Inside a classroom. Inside the music room, the children play tambourines and triangles. Recreational activities on the hospital ward and in playrooms. Children wave to camera as they leave in the ambulance. A boy arrives back at home and is greeted by his mother.
Video Added: 06.08.2021

'Stannington Sanatorium Reel 2 (1920-1930)'

Stannington Sanatorium Reel 1 (1920-1930)
Year: 1930
Country: United Kingdom
Section: chronicle
Tags: girl, medical check
Keywords: Pathe
Description: Aerial view the Sanatorium and farm. MS Buildings. MS A row of girls in bed playing with dolls. Various shots of nurses and the nurses home. The Sanatorium ambulance bringing new arrivals. Children are shown undergoing various medical procedures (all with a smile!): Throat swabs, injections, x-ray's, medical examinations. Various scenes on the hospital wards. (The rooms are bright and the children all appear happy). The children show their various limb supports and walk on crutches. Detailed shots of a plaster cast being applied to a child's leg. The children have artificial light treatment.
Video Added: 30.07.2021

'Stannington Sanatorium Reel 1 (1920-1930)'

The Heat Wave (1914-1918)
Year: 1914
Country: United Kingdom
Section: chronicle
Tags: bathing, boy
Keywords: Pathe
Description: London children solve the problem of how to keep cool.
Video Added: 06.09.2020

'The Heat Wave (1914-1918)'

Happy Schooldays
Year: 1932
Country: United Kingdom
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, sunbathing
Keywords: Pathe
Description: "Here's a French babies' school, where they believe in the open-air treatment." L/S of large group of children sitting in the open air. "A good start - a drink for thirsty little ones." C/U of woman pouring liquid from a bottle into little metal cups held by the children. C/U of a group of five children - they all wear the same romper suits and hats.
"Lessons for the puzzled ones..." High angle of group of children at a table. L/S of children sitting at tables, little girl walks around giving out pencils. C/U of boy drawing or practising his writing. C/U of boy with head in his hands. "Diversions of all sorts to build up little bodies..." L/S of children doing ring-a-ring-a-roses holding hands. They put their hands in the air and clap them. Cute shot of the kids lying on their backs and kicking their legs in the air - some kind of keep fit exercise. The children then do "wheelbarrows" - propelling each other around the garden.
M/S of the children sitting in three lines hanging onto each others ankles and rowing (like the "Oops Upside Your Head" dance so popular in the early 1980s!) C/U of a naked girl having her chest measured. The nurse or teacher is telling the girl to take deep breaths. C/U of two little rascals. L/S of two women watching over the children as they all lie on the ground for a snooze. "And, of course, a rest, well-earned - whether on the ground..." Cute shot of some of the kids dozing. "...or the regular siesta." M/S of some of the other children sleeping on canvas beds. C/U of one child asleep. C/U of another child, lying on its tummy with its bum in the air! Cute.
Video Added: 23.08.2020

'Happy Schooldays'

No Longer Alone (1961)
Year: 1961
Country: United Kingdom
Section: chronicle
Tags: bathing, boy, girl
Keywords: Pathe
Description: Documentary about special schools for blind children with additional handicaps.
Video Added: 17.08.2020

'No Longer Alone (1961)'

Bulgarian Refugees (1948)
Year: 1948
Country: United Kingdom
Section: chronicle
Tags: bathing, boy
Keywords: Pathe
Description: Sofia, Bulgaria. Abducted Greek children reach Sofia for upbringing on the East European plan.
Greek refugee children disembarking from train in Sofia, Bulgaria. Several shots of the refugee children. Little boy carrying his younger sister. Bulgaria Red Cross nurses with refugee children. Doctor and nurse examine refugee children. Refugee boy has hair cropped. Two young girl refugees. Emaciated boy refugee is washed. Child crying. Nurses washing children. Nurses putting clean clothes on refugee children. Old woman refugee with children in her lap looking on. Refugee boy feeding younger brother from enamel mug. Two cropped haired boys eating at the table, pan to another boy.
Video Added: 15.08.2020

'Bulgarian Refugees (1948)'

Broken Wings (1950-1959)
Year: 1950
Country: United Kingdom
Section: chronicle
Tags: bathing, boy, girl
Keywords: Pathe
Description: Cottages in an idyllic rural setting of large trees. Kittens playing. Newly hatched Chicks next to eggs in their nest. Below a little girl with her legs in irons and a club foot (Betty) picks up a fallen chick. She takes it to "Sister", and together they go inside. Betty nursing her doll remembers how she arrived at the home.
A train arrives and Betty is lifted into a stroller. Other handicapped children play in the garden. Flash back to the slums they have come from. The children sit in their beds in a ward playing with toys and dolls. WS chalets. School activities. Resting on stretchers. Babies in prams. Children going to bed and taking a shower.
The children are being led into church, and listen to a sermon. Children playing and pushing prams, playing sports and chess. Ex-boy working as a type setter. Printers at work. Magazine cover showing two Brownie's with the title "Children".
The narrator, Leslie Banks, with Betty sitting on his lap talks to camera. He tells of the great work of the National Children's Home, and Betty says "Thank you very much"
Video Added: 13.08.2020

'Broken Wings (1950-1959)'

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