Behind the scenes - Huden er med deg hele livet
Date: 11.05.2017
Country: Norway
Section: commercials
Tags: girl
Description: Behind the scenes A lifetime in 60 seconds.
Video Added: 12.01.2021

'Behind the scenes - Huden er med deg hele livet'

Tinti - riktigt kul i badet
Year: 2016
Country: Sweden
Section: commercials
Tags: bathing, boy, girl
Description: Fun, natural bathtime play products by "Tinti" in Germany (NaturFarben). Tinti natural bathwather colors are distributed in the USA by Challenge & Fun.
Video Added: 10.12.2020

'Tinti - riktigt kul i badet'

what Memorial hides
Year: 2017
Country: Russia
Section: crime
Tags: girl
Description: On 13 December 2016 Yury A. Dmitriev was arrested and charged with making pornographic images of his foster daughter, Natasha. From the outset Dmitriev's colleagues declared the charges to be baseless and motivated by a determination to discredit the historian and his work. The closed trial attracted national and international attention and criticism. On 26 December 2017, a second assessment by a court-appointed body of the photographs of his foster daughter concluded that they contained no element of pornography and had been taken, as the accused insisted, to monitor the health of a sickly child.
Video Added: 26.11.2020

'what Memorial hides'

Fox - Basically we are all the same - Kids
Date: 12.05.2015
Country: Israel
Section: commercials
Tags: girl
Description: Original title: פוקס - בסופו של דבר כולנו דומים - ילדים.
Video Added: 20.11.2020

'Fox - Basically we are all the same - Kids'

Photographer Bill Henson on the complex role of artists
Date: 19.05.2018
Country: Australia
Section: art
Tags: boy
Description: TV broadcast of ABC News.
Video Added: 09.11.2020

'Photographer Bill Henson on the complex role of artists'

Ads from Mexx Kids
Year: 2011
Country: Canada
Section: reportage
Tags: boy, girl
Video Added: 06.11.2020

'Ads from Mexx Kids'

Meeting with Evgeny Mokhorev
Date: 06.02.2014
Country: Russia
Section: art
Tags: boy, girl
Description: Evgeny Mokhorev talk about his art.
Video Added: 20.10.2020

'Meeting with Evgeny Mokhorev'

Children's rest. Evpatoria 2014
Year: 2014
Country: Russia
Section: commercials
Tags: boy, girl, medical check
Description: Children's rest in Evpatoria - children's sanatorium "Druzhba", children's sanatorium named after N.K. Krupskaya, children's sanatorium "Zdravnitsa", children's health center "Luchistyy".
Video Added: 16.10.2020

'Children's rest. Evpatoria 2014'

Artek. Artek. Artek.
Year: 2010
Country: Russia
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, summer camp, sunbathing, swimming
Keywords: Artek
Description: Film by Alexey Diveev-Tserkovny, "Artek is 85 years old".
Video Added: 26.09.2020

'Artek. Artek. Artek.'

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