Österreich in Bild und Ton - Ausgabe 49 - a35 vom 6. Dezember 1935
Year: 1935
Country: Germany
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy
Description: Between June 1933 and March 1938 the first state-produced newsreel series appeared in Austria - Austria in picture and sound. Before the television news, it was the film newsreels that reported to the public on current world events in "living pictures". Even though many posts have political content, the range of coverage is impressive and there is no shortage of entertainment. The content was not exclusively related to Austria, some contributions were acquired from international cooperation partners in exchange and integrated into the weekly editions.
Video Added: 26.04.2022

'Österreich in Bild und Ton - Ausgabe 49 - a35 vom 6. Dezember 1935'

Sol sommer Sørland
SC 3.0/10 

Year: 1935
Country: Norway
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, sunbathing
Description: Join a tour of the southern villages of the 30s. We visit cities such as Arendal, Grimstad, Lillesand and Kristiansand.

The name "Sørlandet" was suggested by the author Vilhelm Krag in an article in Morgenbladet in 1902. From the end of the 1920s, the Sørland coast was marketed as "the Norwegian Riviera". In a short time, the region had become a summer holiday country.
Video Added: 19.04.2022

'Sol sommer Sørland'

Fernden School
Year: 1939
Country: USA
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, summer camp, swimming
Keywords: scouting
Description: Fernden 1939 - Scout Camp. Fernden 1939 - Swimming Sports (July). Fernden 1939 - Scouting Display & Boxing.
Video Added: 29.03.2022

'Fernden School'

Suomi-Filmin uutiskuvia 11 35
Year: 1935
Country: Finland
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, summer camp, swimming
Keywords: scouting
Description: Clouds in the sky. A scout boys' summer camp, about twenty boys running from the tents and standing in front of them in two rows. Exercise. Wading on a rocky beach. Running from a wooden house along a path towards the camera. Go through a gate made of sticks in the meadow. Sitting blankets on the shoulders in a meadow around a campfire, the man speaks. Ticketing. Volleyball is played. Three men build a wooden frame. Dozens of boys run naked from the shed. Pier and jumping tower, swimmers. The boy stands at the door, hitting Gong. The boys run from the tents towards the camera. Standing in line in front of the camera. Eating inside around a long table, a few men at the next table. The children swim and climb on the partially sunken boat that reads Sörn 1.
Video Added: 22.03.2022

'Suomi-Filmin uutiskuvia 11 35'

Suomen uudenaikaisin kansakoulu
SC 7.2/10 

Year: 1937
Country: Finland
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, boy, girl, medical check
Description: Documentary about the Aleksis Kive public school in Helsinki, which at the end of the 1930s was the most modern public school in the Nordic countries. School was held in Kallio, which is rich in children, in two shifts from 8 am to 8 pm, there were 2,300 students and 75 teachers.
Video Added: 08.02.2022

'Suomen uudenaikaisin kansakoulu'

The Road to Health and Happiness
Year: 1937
Country: USA
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, medical check, swimming
Description: This silent film advocates leading a healthy, productive life and recommends particular rules to make this so.
Video Added: 19.11.2021

'The Road to Health and Happiness'

Helsinki vuonna 1937
Year: 1937
Country: Finland
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, sunbathing
Description: Hard-working, sunny and forward-looking Finland showed its best sides, when writer Juhani Aho's sons Heikki Aho and Björn Soldan recorded the right image of Finland in their work. The most productive decade was the 1930s. There was no idea of the impending war.
Video Added: 12.11.2021

'Helsinki vuonna 1937'

Leikkiviä lapsia
SC 6.1/10 

Year: 1936
Country: Finland
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Description: Sand cakes and flower garlands, swimming and sand castles. The children's summer games are accompanied by the boys of Kallio National School under the leadership of teacher Matti Juvonen.
Video Added: 09.11.2021

'Leikkiviä lapsia'

Domaine de Physiopolis, Villennes-sur-Seine 1930
Year: 1930
Country: France
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl
Description: Exceptional document on the domain of Physiopolis, a naturist camp established in 1927 by André and Gaston Durville, on the island of Platais / island of Médan, in Villennes-sur-Seine in the Yvelines (France). March 1930.
Video Added: 22.10.2021

'Domaine de Physiopolis, Villennes-sur-Seine 1930'

Stannington Sanatorium Reel 2 (1920-1930)
Year: 1930
Country: United Kingdom
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, medical check
Keywords: Pathe
Description: A child is examined by a doctor and sees the results of her xray's. A young girl at home coughing. She puts her tissue on the fire. Cattle in pens and cows being milked by machine. CU milk bottles with labels reading 'Tuburculum Tested'. A nurse pours milk in the the children's mugs. CU a young girl drinking and smiling. The hospital kitchens: The bread slicer (3 loaves at a time). Preparing chicken, apples and milk dishes. Christmas puddings and a huge joint of meat put into a steam oven. CU large dishes of vegetables are stacked into industrial ovens. GV the dining room. Nurses serving, children eating. Pan along the building exteriors. Inside a classroom. Inside the music room, the children play tambourines and triangles. Recreational activities on the hospital ward and in playrooms. Children wave to camera as they leave in the ambulance. A boy arrives back at home and is greeted by his mother.
Video Added: 06.08.2021

'Stannington Sanatorium Reel 2 (1920-1930)'

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