Busen, Broiler, Bananen - Jugend in der DDR
SC 8.2/10 

Year: 2003
Country: Germany
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Description: This very good documentary tells about youngsters in a country that does not exist anymore: Communist Eastern Germany (DDR). That ceased to exist in 1990.
We see a number of more or less well-known people, telling about their youth in the DDR. With subjects like the state-influence on their education, school, sex, culture, and ... their problems after 1990 -- when they had to adapt themselves to the very different ways of Western society.
Video Added: 21.05.2024

'Busen, Broiler, Bananen - Jugend in der DDR'

Das Jahrhundert der Kinder
SC 6.9/10 

Year: 2012
Country: Germany
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: The 20th century would be “The Century of the Child,” postulated the educator Ellen Key in her book published in 1902. Within these hundred years, children's living environments have indeed changed significantly. The documentation shows how children grew up, were educated and were able to develop in different decades.

The first part of the documentary series deals with childhood and youth in Germany during the German Empire and the Weimar Republic.
Video Added: 06.02.2024

'Das Jahrhundert der Kinder'

Mounted by the Gods
SC 3.8/10 

Date: 09.10.2003
Country: Germany
Section: documentary
Tags: boy
Description: A glimpse into the world of Voodoo, this companion to a documentary by Wim Wenders presents photographs and film stills by celebrated photojournalist, Alberto Venzago.
Video Added: 23.01.2024

'Mounted by the Gods'

UFA-Wochenschau 315
SC 2.2/10 

Date: 07.08.1962
Country: West Germany
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Keywords: naturism
Description: Camping Assembly in the bushes & back views v. nudists, run Walsh in the water, mother and son go with nudists playing ball, along Lakeshore Wichmann catches b. coming forth in bushes and falls down. -Entkleideter Naturist Board at tables in the open air, close + total, interviews with Naturist President div. naturists (see narration).
Video Added: 24.10.2023

'UFA-Wochenschau 315'

Welt im Film 70
Year: 1946
Country: West Germany
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, summer camp
Description: Youth camp of the Mannheim Falcon. The young people in common morning aerobics. Boys at the Shoeshine in front of the tent. Shield 'Village of the funny - village of Ragland'. Girl wash clothes in front of the tent. Nominations for the election of the Youth Parliament. Children put ballot in ballot box.
Video Added: 11.08.2023

'Welt im Film 70'

Welt im Film 1949 nr. 219
SC 6.7/10 

Date: 08.08.1949
Country: West Germany
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Description: Berlin holiday, children play in the sand at the Potsdamer Platz between debris houses in underground car parks with water fully expired. Blasted bunkers in the Tiergarten. Children climbing on the bunker and bask in the glow.
Video Added: 28.03.2023

'Welt im Film 1949 nr. 219'

Deutschlandspiegel 1979 nr. 301
SC 3.3/10 

Year: 1979
Country: West Germany
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: 1st year of the child. Asian child's face filling the screen. Children's faces close-up shots, laughing, crying. Child born on the back of the mother. Photos of children on the world exhibition of photography.
S/W: twin girls in bath. Asian children, col: Child on horse carousel. Negro with MP.
S/W: hungry children of the third world.
Col: Negro with sad eyes. Study of children's playground. Game on football field. Baden. Walk with parents. Criminal Justice building in Hamburg. Boy goes along long hallway between father and mother. Blonde girl big. Blonde girl on Monkey bars. Kindergarten group walk (going to still photo motif is repeated in the film). Children play in kindergarten, father pushes a stroller. Children bath linen. Concrete housing castles. Playgrounds. Grilling in the open air. Children work on adventure playgrounds. Backyard games. Children playing ball on the road. Cycling between cars. Children with schoolbags walk home. Photos: accidents with children. Game of traffic Kadir. Excited children as spectators. Police children transport lessons. Police officers with children crossing the street on pedestrian crossing. Graders with bright yellow headgear. Traffic light switches to green. Traffic playground. School doctor examine the child. Cradles, listening, hearing and vision test. School Sports Hall. Ball game. High jump. Throwing, running. Smog. Chimneys of city. Cars in the parking lot. Older pupils of secondary school on the schoolyard. Students in the cafeteria. Close-ups of children. Class. Teaching in schools with mentally and physically disabled children. Healthy children playing with sick children. Common lessons. Blind child with reader. Jumping on a trampoline. Blind child runs. Children in hospital. Doctor at the bedside of a child. Time wall in the hospital. Parents in sickroom of the child. Playing with a child. Feeding and washing. Families stroll. Bicycle tour. Walk with prams. Football match on grass with father, mother and children. Kids in the sandbox. Campsite. Swimming in the sea. Children on the beach. Children can get balloons. Children's Festival: Driving in children's railway. Bouncy ball game, football goal wall shooting. Painting on time wall. Climbing children on game structure.
Video Added: 24.03.2023

'Deutschlandspiegel 1979 nr. 301'

Urlaub in der DDR - DDR-Magazin 1975 - Ferien
SC 3.2/10 

Year: 1975
Country: East Germany
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, summer camp
Description: In the holiday season you can relax in the GDR at the lake, in the mountains or at the Müritz, the largest inland lake in the GDR. Families check into the hotel. Holidays for families with many children are described as problematic, but solvable. The holiday resort "Friendship of Nations" has 1270 beds. It is a union holiday service. In an interview, a person in charge of the settlement talks about the system. There are many children among the visitors. Attention is drawn to special facilities for children. The children's stay costs 30 marks for the parents and is subsidized by the trade union. The Burghardt family serves as an example of costs, with four children, they only pay 1/3 of the family's monthly income for vacation. The family is shown engaging in beach activities. You can borrow bikes for free. The system is presented in different images.
Video Added: 06.05.2022

'Urlaub in der DDR - DDR-Magazin 1975 - Ferien'

Österreich in Bild und Ton - Ausgabe 49 - a35 vom 6. Dezember 1935
Year: 1935
Country: Germany
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy
Description: Between June 1933 and March 1938 the first state-produced newsreel series appeared in Austria - Austria in picture and sound. Before the television news, it was the film newsreels that reported to the public on current world events in "living pictures". Even though many posts have political content, the range of coverage is impressive and there is no shortage of entertainment. The content was not exclusively related to Austria, some contributions were acquired from international cooperation partners in exchange and integrated into the weekly editions.
Video Added: 26.04.2022

'Österreich in Bild und Ton - Ausgabe 49 - a35 vom 6. Dezember 1935'

Mädel im Landjahr Part I of II
Year: 1940
Country: Germany
Section: chronicle
Tags: girl
Description: The League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel [BDM]) was the female section of the Hitler Youth, its role was to indoctrinate girls into the beliefs and ideals of the Nazi regime. The BDM focused on developing girls into women who were dedicated to Nazism, dutiful housewives, and whose role within in society was to become a mother. Girls were to grow-up with an unquestioning understanding of the intended role of women in the Third Reich. BDM members were required to have German parents, be in good health, and conform to Nazi racial ideals.
Video Added: 15.12.2020

'Mädel im Landjahr Part I of II'

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