Date: 03.05.1967
Country: Norway
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, sunbathing, swimming
Video Added: 17.01.2025


Sommer-Oslo - fra morgen til kveld
SC 0.6/10 

Year: 1966
Country: Norway / Finland
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Description: Summer is a great session for Oslo, an otherwise busy busy trade- and industrial city. In one beautiful summer day, we get an insight into the hectic life of residents and tourists from morning to evening.
Video Added: 03.01.2025

'Sommer-Oslo - fra morgen til kveld'

Tænderne - et forsømt kapitel
SC 5.6/10 

Year: 1966
Country: Denmark
Section: documentary
Tags: girl
Description: Children's teeth are often in a sorry state when they start school. This is due to the harmful effects of sugars and inadequate tooth brushing. As a preventive treatment, the toothbrush is the weapon to be used - but most people use it incorrectly, too rarely and for too short a time. Teeth should not only be brushed, they should be cleaned, and it should be examined to see if they have become clean.
Video Added: 13.12.2024

'Tænderne - et forsømt kapitel'

People with a future. Tulevaisuuden kansa
SC 6.1/10 

Year: 1965
Country: Finland
Section: documentary
Tags: girl
Description: The girls' dresses are clean and the boys' hair is combed in the film introducing Finland, which in the English and German versions paints an undistorted image of Finland to the world. The film "People with a future" made by Fennada in 1965 gives an image of Finland as pure happiness, a nation of the future, where all things are organized correctly and wisely.
Video Added: 01.11.2024

'People with a future. Tulevaisuuden kansa'

Neljä saarta
SC 0.8/10 

Year: 1962
Country: Finland
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: Summer leisure in Seurasaari, Lauttasaari. Sunbathing and picnicking in Pihlajasaari, animals of Korkeasaari.
Video Added: 11.10.2024

'Neljä saarta'

Indiska strövtåg
Year: 1962
Country: Sweden
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: Indian Wandering Train depicts India based on several shorter film sequences from different parts of the country. The film tells about Indian culture, geography and religion and gives some insights into the Christian mission's healthcare work. Characteristic of the time is the desire to contrast the unchanging with the forward-looking and industrialized in independent India.
Video Added: 27.08.2024

'Indiska strövtåg'

Suomi 1962
SC 5.5/10 

Year: 1963
Country: Finland
Section: documentary
Tags: boy
Description: (1962) A program from Finland made for foreign countries. In the country brand of its time, our country's industry, customs and hobbies, social life, childcare and school system have been emphasized.
Video Added: 02.07.2024

'Suomi 1962'

Salut les Cubains
SC 2.4/10 

Year: 1964
Country: France / Cuba
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: A photo montage of Cubans filmed by Agnes Varda during her visit to Cuba in 1963. The film explores Cuban society and culture post-revolution.
Video Added: 04.06.2024

'Salut les Cubains'

De kommer över gränserna
SC 1.8/10 

Year: 1961
Country: Sweden
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: About children refugees in the West and East. Filmed in Oujda, Morocco and refugee camps in Hong Kong in the summer and autumn of 1961.
Video Added: 08.03.2024

'De kommer över gränserna'

La donna nel mondo
SC 9.1/10 

Year: 1963
Country: Italy
Section: documentary
Tags: girl
Description: "The camera strips woman right down to her skin," proclaimed the ads,"...lays bare the secrets of her mind and body!" Using outtakes from MONDO CANE as their foundation, Directors Gualtiero Jacopetti, Paolo Cavara and Franco Prosperi created this leering yet lyrical study of women's roles in the international culture of the bizarre. Here is the female of the species as mothers, murderers, warriors and whores, respected as high-powered executives and objectified as bodacious bombshells, grasping for eternal beauty and even engaging in "unnatural friendships." From love in the streets of Paris to death on the African plain, the MONDO masters turn their unflinching eye on all the things never before known - and never before shown - about WOMEN OF THE WORLD.
Video Added: 22.02.2024

'La donna nel mondo'

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