Filmavisen 1951-09-20
SC 9.8/10 

Date: 20.09.1951
Country: Norway
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, medical check
Video Added: 16.03.2021

'Filmavisen 1951-09-20'

Filmavisen 1950-07-13
SC 9.8/10 

Date: 13.07.1950
Country: Norway
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl
Video Added: 12.03.2021

'Filmavisen 1950-07-13'

Sweden 1950s
Year: 1950
Country: Sweden
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Description: Sweden in 1950s.
Video Added: 07.01.2021

'Sweden 1950s'

Ferienlager der Bergakademie in Jena
Year: 1955
Country: West Germany
Section: chronicle
Tags: bathing, boy, girl, medical check, summer camp
Description: Historisches in Bild und Ton
Video Added: 12.12.2020

'Ferienlager der Bergakademie in Jena'

Frohe Ferientage fur alle Kinder
Date: 23.11.1954
Country: East Germany
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Description: This black and white documentary film shows a three-week stay of young pioneers in a holiday camp of a publicly owned company (VEB) in the Spreewald. The children spent the August days of 1954 hiking, camping and exploring, followed by sporting competitions and activities in working groups for young paramedics, photographers and historical researchers.
Video Added: 10.10.2020

'Frohe Ferientage fur alle Kinder'

Camp Schools
Year: 1950
Country: United Kingdom
Section: chronicle
Tags: bathing, boy, girl, swimming
Description: This video made by the Government after the war, introduces the term Camp Schools and includes scenes from a number schools including Sheephatch School Tilford Surrey.
Video Added: 10.10.2020

'Camp Schools'

De Haan De Toekomst
Year: 1953
Country: Netherlands
Section: chronicle
Tags: bathing, girl
Description: The villa "Mattinata" was built in 1937 and bought in 1952 by De Toekomst from Mechelen. This non-profit organization was founded in 1937 by the socialist health insurance fund with the aim of organizing children's holidays.
Video Added: 08.09.2020

'De Haan De Toekomst'

House of Dreams
Year: 1951
Country: USA
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, medical check, swimming
Description: The story of Kosair Crippled Children's Hospital In Louisville, KY.
Video Added: 27.08.2020

'House of Dreams'

Broken Wings (1950-1959)
Year: 1950
Country: United Kingdom
Section: chronicle
Tags: bathing, boy, girl
Keywords: Pathe
Description: Cottages in an idyllic rural setting of large trees. Kittens playing. Newly hatched Chicks next to eggs in their nest. Below a little girl with her legs in irons and a club foot (Betty) picks up a fallen chick. She takes it to "Sister", and together they go inside. Betty nursing her doll remembers how she arrived at the home.
A train arrives and Betty is lifted into a stroller. Other handicapped children play in the garden. Flash back to the slums they have come from. The children sit in their beds in a ward playing with toys and dolls. WS chalets. School activities. Resting on stretchers. Babies in prams. Children going to bed and taking a shower.
The children are being led into church, and listen to a sermon. Children playing and pushing prams, playing sports and chess. Ex-boy working as a type setter. Printers at work. Magazine cover showing two Brownie's with the title "Children".
The narrator, Leslie Banks, with Betty sitting on his lap talks to camera. He tells of the great work of the National Children's Home, and Betty says "Thank you very much"
Video Added: 13.08.2020

'Broken Wings (1950-1959)'

Busigny Village for Homeless Children
Year: 1950
Country: United Kingdom
Section: chronicle
Tags: bathing, boy, girl
Description: Orphanage in France, 1950s/
Video Added: 03.08.2020

'Busigny Village for Homeless Children'

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